Nominations are sought for Coaches and/or Selectors for all age groups in the 2025 Season. Please refer to the NSB website for age group calendar detail.
Selection and appointment to these positions is done in accordance with the NSBHA Rep Policy.
For transparency and to facilitate the process we seek nominations through this forum.
Selectors should review the calendar of events and determine their availability.
Independent and Open's coaches will receive:
- Allowance of $300 for the rep season to cover incidentals like meals, petrol etc.
- Accommodation paid for away events like Canberra, FSC
Non Independent coaches (Parents, direct family etc) will receive:
- Allowance of $300 for the rep season to cover incidentals like meals, petrol etc.
NSB will work wth accomodation providors to secure quality accomodation at reduced rates.
These rates will be made available to all coaches.
NSB will book accomodation for Independent and Opens coaches.
Non Independent Coaches are responsible for booking and paying for their own accommodation. Please make your own arrangements as early as possible through refundable bookings.
Coaches will be announced at the same time team announcements are made.