List a Volunteer or Intern role FREE
Sportspeople acknowledges the enormous contribution volunteers make to the community in general and the sport community specifically. It is widely recognised most sporting organisations could not sustain their service levels without the contribution of volunteers.
You may now list for free roles which comply with the Fair Work Act and fit with our definition of Volunteer and Internships:
- Volunteer - A person provides a service through a formal not-for-profit organisation / local community club, by choice, without financial remuneration and for the benefit of the community. We also recognise there are occasions where a volunteer may receive a small gratuity/honorarium or reimbursement of expenses. Examples of a Volunteer might be Marshalls at a Fun Run, Officials at a Major Event or Board/Committee Members (eg. President, Secretary or Treasurer).
- Internships - A person who enters into a formal training agreement with an organisation and is involved in fixed term paid or voluntary work and structured training, which may be on or off the job. Examples of an Intern might be a University placement (to satisfy professional placement criteria). Paid roles for students without structured traiing, or ongoing positions that provide initial training and/or certification do not qualify for internship listings.
Where there is a question in the definition or whether your role qualifies for a FREE listing, one of our Customer Service Team will contact you to discuss. At all times Sportspeople reserves the right to accept or decline a Volunteer or Internship advertisement.
Post a Volunteer / Intern Job here.
(note: this listing type has less exposure than a Standard Job)